
How to uninstall armored warfare
How to uninstall armored warfare

This will be downloaded through the My.com client installer and use torrent technology. Please make sure you enter an e-mail you have access to or a valid cell-phone number, entering invalid or unused data might cause your account to become irretrievable under some circumstances.Īfter registering, you can download the game client. You will need a functional e-mail or - alternatively - a mobile phone number and you may be asked to verify the ownership of the account.

how to uninstall armored warfare how to uninstall armored warfare

Please follow the instructions to complete account registration. After clicking it, the registration window will appear. You can create your Armored Warfare account by going to the Armored Warfare site and clicking on the "Play Now!" button.

how to uninstall armored warfare

To play Armored Warfare, you need to follow these two steps.

How to uninstall armored warfare